So there is this product called Saran wrap. It is typically used to save leftovers from your relatives or that annoying neighbor, or to stop pesky flies from getting all over your food. It’s tough, it peels and sticks, it stretches – so why not have better uses for it than just food? This sticky stuff can be used to make some awesome cling wrap pranks. Use caution with the following ideas, as some of this might end up with some awesome and hilarious results.
If you want to buy some, go for a name brand, as our experience with generic is less than stellar. They typically come in packages that look something a little like this:
Notice the square shaped box? Well, it also hides a little blade to help sever the product from the roll. Be careful, as this sometimes can come loose and cause harm to you, the pranker!
Without further ado, here are the Saran Wrap Pranks!
I. Saran Wrap A Car:
(with other objects)
The first prank is one to pull on a victim’s vehicle. It’s easy to do. Take the roll out of the box and discard in a rubbish bin. You’ll use the whole roll for this one. Wrap tightly around the vehicle in a clockwise or counter-clockwise manner. Be sure to start at the bottom and work your way up. Also, you’ll want to ensure a tight seal from where the door begins to open at the bottom, and end with it at the top. If you do this effectively, you’ll have a door that will be almost impossible to open without the use of a knife or scissors. And since the box was thrown away (or recycled), your victim will have no choice but to try to saw through it with their keys. You can even attach it with other objects, such as shopping carts, trees, or balloons. Watch from a safe distance -and record their reaction, if possible.
II. Saran Wrap A Walkway/Hallway:
Since Saran wrap is pretty see through, it can be used as an effective blocking mechanism that people do not see coming. Best places to put it are at around face level so you can get pictures like this:

Looks like she didn’t see this one coming..
Check out the video below to see some of a compilation of the wrapping material blocking people dead in their tracks. It helps if you can also get them to have a running start..
Don’t forget, that animals can fall for this too. Place it in a dog door, a hallway your roommate’s evil cat always walks through, or other places that are “high traffic areas” for people and animals. This one get’s the best results
III. Saran Wrap Toilet Seat:
The third prank to pull with this clingy film is to line the top most section of a toilet with the wrap.
As you see in the video above, cling wrap is pretty see through once pulled tightly enough fooling someone even if they do look before they squat. It is more effective for those who sit however, so sorry to those who do have to squat to pee.
IV. Saran Wrap a person:
This setup will require you to recruit the help of some volunteers. This prank is much better to pull than using, say – Duct Tape – since that hurts to get off. The good thing is that a few layers of saran wrap can tightly bound even some of the strongest people. You can Saran Wrap them on beds, saran wrap them to chairs, or any other object such as two or more people together! Best thing though is to just bound their arms to their sides, and get their legs. Watch them scurry along like a catapiller for help. You can even use the duct tape you saved to slap it over their mouth so you’ll only hear muffled pity and not their screaming and hollering for help.
What other uses are there for Saran Wrap? Contact us or send us your comments below!