How To Revenge is back with another great prank recipe for you! This one will teach you how to make easy three ingredient slime in your home.
People have been going crazy over slime. Back when some of the team was in Kindergarten, making slime used to be a fun activity to learn about Science. Making slime at home is a fun activity to do with your kids as it is relatively safe and doesn’t make too much of a mess. Of course, we’ll also be using it for some nefarious purposes…

This Slime is sticky & Fun!
Making slime at home can be a great learning activity about chemistry as well and you never know, your kid could potentially develop an interest in it.
Slime can be bought off the shelf from online shops or brick and mortar stores, but what’s fun in that? And if you are wondering that making slime can be a hassle or difficult process then you’re mistaken! This article will share an easy homemade slime recipe which you will enjoy making with some simple household ingredients.
This recipe incorporates some simple materials and utensils. It is a very budget-friendly and easy process to follow. Once you’ve developed the base, you can easily add glitter, beads, or other items to make yours unique.
Slime Recipe Ingredients
As we’ve mentioned, there is just three simple ingredients. You’ll need:
- Hot Water
- Liquid Glue
- Powdered Borax
Some other things that will help out would be a mixing bowl and spoon as well, and you can add food coloring too!
How to Make Slime
Pour out a standard 4 ounce bottle of glue into the bowl. At this point, you can add food coloring which is totally up to you, and stir it with a utensil like a stick, spatula, or spoon.
Next add one teaspoon of powdered Borox dissolved in 1/2 cup hot water. Take about three teaspoons mixed with into the mixture of Glue and Food Coloring and start mixing slowly because it will avoid the making of bubbles, you’ll see the state of matter changing immediately from liquid to semi-solid.
Stir until you get a gluey touch in the mixture and no liquid is left.
Once you get that jelly-ish, goopy state – this is where the real fun starts. Now start wringing, twisting, and mixing with your hands and a noticeable change in the consistency will be observed as consistency is very important in a slime.
You can put your slime aside in a clean container for 3-4 minutes and let it change its consistency.
Tips to Make the Best Slime
1. It is important to add the glue first and then the food coloring, otherwise you can have an inconsistent slime to play with. Nobody wants that!
2. Kneading greatly impacts the consistency of slime, and we recommend you to knead it well and put a few drops of water on your hand before mixing.
3. Slime can be stored for a long time and we recommend using plastic containers for it. To make sure your slime lasts longer, you’ll need to keep the container and slime clean.
4. Make sure you keep the matter moist while kneading and mixing otherwise it will get dry and won’t be as playful as it should be.
There are several other methods of making Slime without Borax, and we will go over those in other articles!
Making an easy homemade slime can be a lot of fun and even families encourage their kids to invite their friends over and have a slim party. However, the care must be taken because slime is not edible so keep an eye on that little one.
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