K2 Unlimited Content – SEO Tips & Tricks Spam

We’re a prank and revenge site. We care about bringing high quality articles based on products and pranks to pull on family, friends, coworkers, neighbors and roommates. We routinely get spam comments on our articles, which is why we moderate them. Today, we got something different.

K2 SEO spam

Comments - k2 Ulimited Content

Captured in the above screengrab is just a few of the comments our website has received. Let me tell you blog owners and webmasters of the world wide web, this is NOT something you want to be associated with. If they are spamming you with comments, do you think they are the authority on the subject? I think not.

I decided to Google the K2 Unlimited Content string, and this is what I found:

k2 unlimited content - Google Search

I decided to check out their link, and see what it was about. The link is about “never paying for content ever again.” What does that even mean? Basically, what they are doing is they wrote an article and are acting as an affiliate for some program known as WordAI. Well, let’s see what WordAI is..

What is WordAI

what is wordai - Google Search

So, WordAI is an article spinner. What is an article spinner? It’s just a way to take something already written, and use an algorithm to match like to like words to create ‘new and unique content’. You might even see some comment spam which uses a word spinner to create unique comments!

I’m sorry. Just no. Our content is high quality and we would NEVER spin articles. It comes solely from the mind of our writers, and is displayed for your viewing pleasure. We would never use this ‘article spinner’ to make clearly unreadable articles. Hell, Google doesn’t even like that sort of stuff. It’s SPAM and we HATE spam.

You think that Google’s algorithm isn’t intelligent enough to notice these spam articles? Maybe not now, but I guarantee you in the coming years it will be plainly obvious to our search overlords what is spam and what isn’t. Stay far away from this K2 spammer, and you will be better off in the long run.

We normally don’t write articles about this sort of thing, but our team got pissed off enough to do something about it. Our goal with this article is that it will assist others who might be duped by these shady practices. We aim to provide the best resource for those who want to get revenge, so this is all you will hear about it from our end (maybe, or maybe we’ll update with some juicy stories!) – but we hope that we are achieving that aim by writing this article. Back to your regularly scheduled programming (and prank and revenge articles!).

Fun With Saran Wrap Pranks

So there is this product called Saran wrap. It is typically used to save leftovers from your relatives or that annoying neighbor, or to stop pesky flies from getting all over your food. It’s tough, it peels and sticks, it stretches – so why not have better uses for it than just food? This sticky stuff can be used to make some awesome cling wrap pranks. Use caution with the following ideas, as some of this might end up with some awesome and hilarious results.

If you want to buy some, go for a name brand, as our experience with generic is less than stellar. They typically come in packages that look something a little like this:

Saran Wrap Prank

Notice the square shaped box? Well, it also hides a little blade to help sever the product from the roll. Be careful, as this sometimes can come loose and cause harm to you, the pranker!

Without further ado, here are the Saran Wrap Pranks!

I. Saran Wrap A Car:

(with other objects)

saran wrap a car

The first prank is one to pull on a victim’s vehicle. It’s easy to do. Take the roll out of the box and discard in a rubbish bin. You’ll use the whole roll for this one. Wrap tightly around the vehicle in a clockwise or counter-clockwise manner. Be sure to start at the bottom and work your way up. Also, you’ll want to ensure a tight seal from where the door begins to open at the bottom, and end with it at the top. If you do this effectively, you’ll have a door that will be almost impossible to open without the use of a knife or scissors. And since the box was thrown away (or recycled), your victim will have no choice but to try to saw through it with their keys. You can even attach it with other objects, such as shopping carts, trees, or balloons. Watch from a safe distance -and record their reaction, if possible.

II. Saran Wrap A Walkway/Hallway:

Since Saran wrap is pretty see through, it can be used as an effective blocking mechanism that people do not see coming. Best places to put it are at around face level so you can get pictures like this:

Looks like she didn't see this one coming..

Looks like she didn’t see this one coming..

Check out the video below to see some of a compilation of the wrapping material blocking people dead in their tracks. It helps if you can also get them to have a running start..

Don’t forget, that animals can fall for this too. Place it in a dog door, a hallway your roommate’s evil cat always walks through, or other places that are “high traffic areas” for people and animals. This one get’s the best results

III. Saran Wrap Toilet Seat:

The third prank to pull with this clingy film is to line the top most section of a toilet with the wrap.

As you see in the video above, cling wrap is pretty see through once pulled tightly enough fooling someone even if they do look before they squat. It is more effective for those who sit however, so sorry to those who do have to squat to pee.

IV. Saran Wrap a person:

looks like he's not going anywhere for a while

looks like he’s not going anywhere for a while

This setup will require you to recruit the help of some volunteers. This prank is much better to pull than using, say – Duct Tape – since that hurts to get off. The good thing is that a few layers of saran wrap can tightly bound even some of the strongest people. You can Saran Wrap them on beds, saran wrap them to chairs, or any other object such as two or more people together! Best thing though is to just bound their arms to their sides, and get their legs. Watch them scurry along like a catapiller for help. You can even use the duct tape you saved to slap it over their mouth so you’ll only hear muffled pity and not their screaming and hollering for help.

What other uses are there for Saran Wrap? Contact us or send us your comments below!

Evil Ghost Eyes Prank

glowstick revenge prank

This evil eyes ghost prank is perfect for all hallows eve, or any night for that matter. What it is is basically toilet paper rolls with cut out eye sockets, where you can place glowsticks in the roll. In the night, the light from the cracked glowstick will have an eerily haunting glow through the cut out paper roll causing any passer by to freak out. It’s simple to set up, and should be a fun activity for your friends to do one night.

What is needed for this prank:

I. Scissors

scissors for making pranks with

Any type of scissors will do. We like these type because they are cheap and sturdy.

II. Glowsticks

glowsticks for prank revenge

Any type really works, but we prefer the large candle-stick size glowsticks for the best results.

III. Toilet Paper Rolls

toilet paper rolls for prank

You can either use toilet paper or paper towels, but we found the size and ease of working with toilet paper the best for this prank. Also, the toilet paper can be used for a harmless prank known as teepeeing – where you throw the paper over some evil person’s house.

How to make this prank happen:

First, you’ll want to use all that toilet paper. May we suggest going out and teepeeing your neighborhood? How sinister! Now remember, save all the empty and used rolls for use in this scare prank. Now that you have your toilet paper rolls, you’re ready to move onto the next step.

Take your industrial strength scissors and cut along one side of the cardboard on the roll. You can make shapes such as ovals, or tilted triangle for a more ‘evil’ eyes.

When you are ready, you can crack the glow stick to prime it. Give it a few shakes so the chemical reaction can get started. To make sure that the glow sticks don’t fall out during the night (say, due to wind), you can even use some masking tape on the sides of paper towel roll.

You can even get  string to tie a loop around the roll, to throw it up or tie around fences or trees for better results.

Where to place the evil eyes prank product:

The best places we found have been on wire fences, high up in trees looking into your victims bedrooms, off in the corner of dark garages or rooms, and directly outside sliding glass doors.

You might want to include this eviltron gadget, so that it can make spooky noises and enhance your scare!

Go out and have fun, let us know how it goes, and record it if you can! Please write us in the comments about your thoughts!

Annoyatron Prank Review

The Annoyatron Prank


As the name implies, this little device will annoy the heck out of your unsuspecting victims.

Imagine this:

You hear it.. “BEEP!” – 10 minutes later, that same buzzing noise happens again.. “BEEP!”. Dang, your mind thinks, “I need to find that thing.” You set off on a frantic search for this annoying beeping, which is seemingly going off in random intervals. The anticipation of the sound soon enters your mind, and the it kills you. It will go off in 5 minutes, then 8, then 3. Each time, almost impossible to place where the source is located. Soon your room or office is a disheveled mess, and any passerby would instantly recognize the crazed look on your face. The sharknado passed through here, and the murder scene is evident. It will drive everyone crazy. Searching and waiting will eat you alive, since the sound is almost impossible to pinpoint.

This ‘annoyatron’ device is AMAZINGLY small, and comes with it’s own battery to last for weeks on end of hilarious fun. You might get annoyed pranking your coworker, boss, neighbor, or roommate – but hold out, because the results of it are worth it.

Best places to hide an Annoyatron

We found that the best places to hide it are underneath desks, in drawers, in teddy bears, and multiple other places that are difficult to get to or search. Hide it in the dorm room of your enemy, behind their desk or under their bed. Have a coworker that is driving you crazy? Use it to drive the berserk as they fiendishly and helplessly search everywhere for the annoying beeping around them. Hide in conference rooms, bathrooms, and bedrooms. Since it is very difficult to pinpoint, using tape and placing it in a hard to reach place will most likely yield the best results.

In one video, a coworker hilariously taped his cubemate (probably to cause some sort of distraction of the cube-monkey life) as he almost ripped out his hair by searching for the device. To admit to his guilt, he finally showed in a tell all video where the device was hidden. The coworker who was being pranked definitely had a smile on his face, as he set out to find that little electronic terror device. It was conveniently well hidden, placed in the end of a file cabinet. The only way to find it was to remove the whole cabinet, and find it lodged in the back. Such an excellent spot, and one we recommend as well.

You can even get a hidden camera to record as well, so you can post it on YouTube and forever make fun of your pranked frenemy. That’s exactly what this guy did:

Here’s a link to a similar video, this time placed behind the monitors. Sorry for the potato like quality of the recording.

Check out another video here of people getting annoyed frantically searching for it:

We also wanted to reach out to first hand testimonials. If you have one you’d like to contribute, please contact us or leave a comment below!

Also, you can get your own Annoyatron device here (for around $13 + S/H!

Oldie Revenge Prank – Mentos and Diet Coke Prank

Have you heard of Diet Coke?
diet coke revenge prank

Have you ever seen those Mentos commercials?

mentos revenge prank

Well, we’d like to present to you the marriage of these two fine consumer goods. Introducing the:


Mentos And Diet Coke Prank


The set up:

This prank is very simple to do. All that is needed is Diet Coke, some Dental Floss, Mentos, and an unwitting victim. Scissors help too.

To set up the revenge technique, what you need to do is acquire your tools and supplies needed for success:

Step 1:

Pull a single mentos mint out of the packaging, and tie one end of the floss around the center of the mint in a loop.

Step 2:

Slowly open up the Diet Coke. We say slowly open it just in case someone is pranking you first, while you’re trying to set up this revenge prank (see the video at the end of this article). Place the tied mentos near the top of the cap.

Step 3:

Screw back on the cap of the Soda. Be sure to have the flossed up mentos mint near the top, sitting snuggly against the cap. You can now cut the floss to hide the evidence around the cap, once the string is held in place with the cap.

Step 4:

Sit back and enjoy. Or if feeling adventurous, record the video and upload it to your favorite streaming site for us. We’ll show it here if it’s awesome enough!

Why this works (short answer – Science!):

Without going too much into the science behind it, basically the Mentos reacts with the diet coke, causing the carbonation to fizz up and explode. Your unwitting victim will never know what hit them, because who honestly studies a soda they grab out of the fridge for too long? I always grab one without looking, and open right before I drink it. Hopefully your victim will to.


  • Don’t put the soda on it’s side! This will cause the chemical reaction to occur suddenly!
  • You can also do this to a 2 liter bottle.

Mentos and Diet Coke Prank Video:

There’s actually quite a few videos detailing this prank floating around on the interwebs. What’s great about this particular video is that the older sibling is pulling the mentos and diet coke prank on the sister, when she is trying to show a video of the Mentos and Diet Coke prank! Hilarious! See for yourself below 🙂

Please write us in the comments if you have any other ideas on how to prank someone good with mentos and coke!

Hottest Candy in the World Product Review – Crying Strawberries

There’s this product out of Germany, known as the “Weinende Erdbeere” – better known as The Crying Strawberry in the English speaking world. These things are DANGEROUS!

Basically, they are a sugar candy that has a strawberry like flavor. What’s more important is the other ingredient in them, known as capsaicin. Capsaicin is what gives chili peppers their heat. The Scoville Rating is the scale on which peppers are rated for their burning sensation, created by the American Pharmasisct Wilbur Scoville. The rating is known as the SHU, short for Scoville Heat Units. To put things in perspective, Jalapenos have a rating of 2,500-10,000 SHUs, Tabasco Sauce is 5,000-10,000 SHUs, the Habenero is rated at 100,000-350,000 SHUs, and the hottest pepper in the world – the Ghost Chili Pepper – has Scoville rating of around 855,000!

Well, this candy right here has a Scoville rating of over 1,000,000! (Pure capsaicin is rated at about 16,000,000!).

It is very difficult to get in the US, but if you have a friend in Germany ask them to send some over!

While that might be the case, there is this that you can buy:

Hot Candy Prank Product

hot candy prank product

And here’s a hilarious video by Furious Pete to keep you entertained before you try them on (or with) your friends!

Furious Pete Eats Crying Strawberries:

If anyone out there knows how to purchase them online and get them shipped into the US, please leave it in a comment below.

Style Screamer Prank Review & Ideas

So we had this video forwarded over to us, and were asked what we would do with something like this. I have to admit, after watching the video below the fold, let us know your thoughts on what YOU think is a good revenge prank to do with the “Style Screamer Panic Alarm”

In the video, you’ll see an infomercial for a product known as the Style Screamer. What is this style screamer? Best guess is it is a personal alarm used to “effectively” scare off would be assaulters. Yes, the quotation marks around “effectively” were put there on purpose. For this panic alarm, it works well because most car alarms are usually ignored. I know that when I hear my neighbors go off all wee hours of the night, I want to send them a note like this:

Anyways, back to the device – 130 decibels is a pretty damn loud sounding alarm. To put that in perspective, that heavy breathing you hear from your overweight, middle-aged coworker is probably 20 decibels. An indoor conversation? Maybe 40 decibels. A Vacuum cleaner is about 70 decibels, the baseline of “annoying” loudness. Garbage disposal/Food blender/Train passing by? 80 decibels. Jack hammer or motorcycle engine? Now you’re reaching about 100 decibels. At 120 decibels, it begins to get painful. In fact, that’s similar loudness to what a chainsaw can produce. Oh, and it’s 32 times as loud as a Vacuum cleaner. Bam, now you’re at 130 Decibels. Get it? It’s LOUD.

I’m not EVEN going to mention the “style” aspect of it – but, that scream is absolutely ridiculous! Now I don’t know if it will ward off a want-to-be attacker from you, but it will certainly cause heads to turn in the direction when that little bad boy is set off. So, what use can we have of a super loud screaming device?

Prank Ideas for the Style Screamer


The first one is a twist on the bucket and door prank we call..

1) So nice of you to drop in and SCREAM prank

To set this up, first get something like this head:

and put up over the door of an unsuspecting victim like the water bucket over door prank:

image courtesy Instructables

All you do is attach the ripping-off end of the panic alarm to the wall with a thumbtack. The other end (that makes the sound), get’s stuffed in the head. When they open the door, the force of gravity will pull the pin, dropping a screaming head on your victim! Don’t forget to video tape the reaction for us!

2) The “Oh No, What Have I Done!” Scream prank

Buy one one these baby dolls or teddy bears:

Stuff the screamer in it’s clothing, or tape it to the outside of the baby/teddy bear. Dress it up as you like. We recommend wrapping it up in a cloth sheet.

In action? You can either put it on top of your car and go for a ride, or throw it out of an apartment window. The look on peoples faces.. priceless!

3) Other (simple) pranks to do

  • Attach it to your victim’s pillow. This is to hit them when they have their defenses down, trying to go to sleep – it will shock them senseless!
  • You could place the screamer onto someone’s seat at the theater. The unsuspecting mark will hopefully sit with drink and popcorn in hand, wanting just to watch a good movie that night. NOPE! Panic alarm
  • Thrown out an elevator shaft of a tall building, you’ll have maintenance workers and people in the lobby very, very confused.
  • Place it outside your target’s window, and attach it much like you would on the bucket prank. It helps if it’s a warm season, our you live in a warm place. When your nemesis open’s their window – BAM – panic should set in.

Now, If you just want to use a super loud “panic alarm” – these two might work:

130 dB Personal Rape Emergency Alarm

140dB Personal Panic or Emergency Alarm Keychain

Happy pranking! Feel free to leave us comments on your thoughts and ideas, and as always “Living well is the best revenge, for everything else there’s How To: Revenge”

Always Positive Pregnancy Test Prank Review

This is the best revenge on a cheating girlfriend or wife, or a way to prank your boyfriend/husband – introducing the Always Positive Pregnancy Test prank.

Being cheated on sucks. To one of the authors at HowTo:Revenge, he explains that it feels like a punch to the stomach. There is a sinking feeling in the gut, with your stomach moving down below the navel – the empty space is replaced with confusion, anger, then hate. Well, we don’t know much about that – sorry buddy, but what we do know is how to prank someone pretty good with this tactic. So, how can you get even with your soon to be ex gf or bf?

The Always Positive Pregnancy Test Revenge Product:

Always Positive Pregnancy Prank

Big mouth Toy’s fake pregnancy kit

Do you have that sneaking suspicion that your lover is cheating on you? Want to end your relationship in style, by causing some emotional trauma to them like they did to you? Perfect way to do this is by getting one of these bad boys. It will always test positive. So if you start noticing pregnancy tests, get this product and get revenge.

Check out the video below of the fake pregnancy kit being tested:

As you can see in the video above, it takes just a little bit of fluid to set off the prank. In this case, it is water, but in the case of your victim, it will be their own urine. Just leave it in the trash if you notice other pregnancy tests there.

A word of caution, you can’t just buy one. Ladies usually like to have a “backup test” just in case of finding out false positives. In this case, you can get the “always positive” tests out of a real box for them, like below.

2 fake pregnancy test kits in one box.

First response real looking fake pregnancy test

What we don’t recommend, but can work, is for ladies to purchase this to get back at cheating boyfriends before breaking it off, saying they want their kid raised responsibly and not with an asshole. Hell, you could even use it to trick a “dead beat” dad into giving you child support – not that we’d recommend that or anything.

Fair warning, however – some men have taken precautions by snipping their tubes, and the same situation can be reversed. Some ladies have their tubes tied as well. Now, with great power comes great responsibility. Use this product wisely, and have fun while doing it 🙂

Speech Jammer Prank Review

Speech Jammer Revenge Prank

Speech Jammer Gun – How It Works

I’m sure we’ve all seen the gun review by the guy who had a speech jammer plugged into his ear. If not, check out the video below:

In the video, he used this app with a little bit of tweaking:

Speech Zapper for iTunes

How it works:

Basically, the device works by playing back your own voice at intervals which confuse your auditory system. Hearing your own voice at different frequencies confuses your brain, and is hard to continue talking in the correct tone or even altogether. Hard to speak when you can’t hear yourself. If you want to do it on yourself, using noise cancelling headphones is best.

Unfortunately, we haven’t found any that are for sale. So, how can we get one? Well, you can always..

Build your own.

What you’ll need.

1) A Directional Microphone:

2) Software for the PC:

Speech Jammer for PC. This is the software that will modulate your voice to confuse your brain.

This is from the creators of the first speech jammer, which was made in Japan. They have given out a free software version that you can use on your PC.

3) A Directional Speaker.

The Sound Lazer

For $275, you can buy the sound lazer for your device. We haven’t acquired ours yet, but will be updating this post as soon as we get ours.

4) A Raspberry Pi

This device is the “brains” of your Speech Jammer. It will run the software and connect the directional speaker to the microphone.

Lastly, check out this hilarious video of it being used…

Poop soap review

The Fake Poop Soap Prank

What pranks can you do with poop soap? Well, I’m not sure if you heard about “butter surprise”, or the infamous “Double Decker,” but you can easily replace this fake poop soap in place of real poop, the fake sh*t you bought online, or even poop that you can make your self for pranks.

Using fecal matter is probably the most disgusting thing that I can think of, but it is probably the most effective as well. As human beings, we are abhorred and are violently ill at the thought, sight, or smell of dookie. Well, most of us are, in any case. Dogs on the other hand just love this stuff, and are willing to smell it, lick it, and even eat it. Grosses me out man. Well, you can read on for our personal review of Poop Soap, and pranks that we suggest with it!

Poop Soap Review

When we first got this product in the mail and opened it up, the writers here almost threw up. It didn’t help that before I gave it to them to open, I had resealed the package after spraying a little Liquid Ass all over it. Yes, you’ll need a gas mask for that. Prank #1 has begun, and they thought we actually bought real crap!

Here is our review: The look is unsightly, with the great shade of poopy brown, filled in the recesses with undigested kernels of corn. YUM. It does not smell disgusting, but that can be remedied with a few sprays or drops of a fart spray. All in all, it looks pretty darn real, and from a distance with a little added olfactory addition it will make it the perfect duo for any prank you can choose.

Uses Of Fake Poop

What’s great about this bar of soap is you can touch it, handle it, throw it around and it actually DISINFECTS! Who knew? Leave it on the floor in the bathroom, and if your disgusting roommate comes in – pick it up and throw it at him barehanded, accusing him of sh*tting all over the floor. How about just leaving it in a ziplock bag and throwing it in the freezer, or inside someone’s lunch they take to school or work? Yeah, we’re evil, but at least it’s (relatively) harmless! You can leave it in the sink, or on top of someone’s car.

If you’re interested in picking some up, we recommend purchasing some from the reliable Amazon.com here:

And remember, we’re always open for suggestions, comments, and feedback. We look forward to reading or even seeing more of the pranks that you guys can come up with. Don’t forget to contact us, or send in a video of your reviews and prank ideas. We look forward to your ideas!

Read More About Fake Poop

Did you want to learn how to make your own fake poop?

How about reading about more pranks using feces and poop?

Stay tuned for more information as we constantly update our site, and add articles, videos, and products!